Wednesday, September 21, 2011

16 - 2 = 12

You would think that after a year of changing shape that I would be used to it, but my mind is once again having difficulty with comprehension, and thus I turn to tossing it all out onto the page.

A couple of weeks ago I noticed that my pants were once again too big, so this morning I went out and shopped. Upon a friend’s suggestion I went in with two different sizes. One 14P and the other 12P. I opted to try on the 12P first, telling myself all the while not to be disappointed if they were too tight because it would still mean that I went down one size, but wonder of wonders they were not too tight! They fit perfectly! While this drop in size should not have been so shocking, especially since I knew my current pair of cords (size 16P) were too big, I am still surprised that I have gone down two sizes in less than a year, and I am amazed that I can now wear a size 12 in comfort. Wasn’t it just the beginning of last month that I was reluctant to even think such a thing?! And now, at the end of this month, I am out doing it??? (Perhaps I really am as crazy as my mother once proclaimed!)

I cannot even fathom how long it has been since I have worn such a size, perhaps over 25 years? Definitely over 20 years. The oddity of this change is that there has not been a significant loss of weight, in fact, I am 5+ pounds heavier than I was just 3 months ago. The only reasoning I can fathom as to how this change in my body continues to occur with such frequency is due to my current employment, and the fact that said employment requires me to walk up and down flights upon flights of stairs on a daily basis. It has been months since I made a daily count, but regardless of their number, those stairs are obviously making a difference given the evidence of this most recent change.

Along with this line of thought brings about such questions as:

How much more will my body change? When will it stabilize? Should I consider purchasing a scale to keep track of my loss? … While I do not know the answers to the first two questions, the last question is a definite NO! Absolutely no good can come of that! I’ll take the sporadic weigh-ins at friends and relatives houses thank you very much!

If I was the paranoid type I’d begin wondering if there was something wrong, but since I have other people wondering that for me, then it seems redundant to wonder it myself. And when one considers that my husband has also lost weight, then the cause behind such occurrences may be due to a lifestyle change, rather than any personal physical abnormality on my part.

When one considers all of the above, it would also appear that my current job has been a vast improvement from any other that has been held, at least for my physical well-being. The irony of this is that it holds all the same frustrations as my previous employment, and I do wonder if the Fates are playing yet another trick on me and twisting the ironic sword in my side just a little bit more than is necessary.

Indeed, one might think me delirious if one knew I went into this job with the intention of finding another within months. The sad truth of it is, that my previous job was to be temporary as well.

It’s been over 10 years since I began my journey into the world of natural foods, herbs and supplements – will I be there for 10 more? 15? 20? Eeeek! That is a very scary thought! Run away! Run away now!

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