Saturday, May 8, 2010

writing bones

i need "bones to write into", a structure/function set of guidelines to adhere to, a linear alignment of the stars and planets to coalesce into an image uniquely my own, a theme unlike any other hereto unknown, unrehearsed, ubiquitously unkempt within the fates of time, space and the continuum of cheesecake and coffee with raw milk creams and butters and maple syrup frostings over the edges of my plates of consciousness, leaking down the curved sides of my inhibitions, onto the tablecloth of my youth. no longer pure and starchly white, but soiled and stained with my heart's irreparable pain and my body's meanderings and wanderings into the unknown depths of my long lost soul.

(quote is from Kathy Dunn)


  1. Who is Kathy Dunn? From the title I thought maybe she was the author of "Writing Down the Bones" but that was Natalie Goldberg.

    Lovely excerpt.

  2. kathy is my writing workshop leader, or is that facilitator? whatever her title is she has been running writing workshops for years and is always a wonderful inspiration :)
