Friday, February 11, 2011

a dandy creation

the weeds were talking, saying to themselves and others that it was time for a change, it was time for something new. this green was nice, truth be told it was better than nice, what with all these lovely shapes and sizes, but they wanted something different, perhaps something to thank the sun for all its rays would be nice, said one, or even a bit to thank the rain, said another.
for days they thought this over and made suggestions, and finally, a decision was made.
they would thank the sun and then the rain
early the next morning one of the greens decided to give it a try, and since she happened to be one of the ones with a bit of extra juice, she pushed and prodded all that extra up and up as far as it would go and then she pushed a little more, and a little more until each and every tiny tuft above was filled with the sap that once flowed within her stem, and when all of the tiny tufts were filled she let them burst open waiting for the sun to notice her newly formed petals. she waited until the sun had been up for a while, and then she tilted those tufts towards the bright light of the skies, tall and proud. when the sun's rays shown upon those tufts of sap filled petals the weed stood still soaking up the golden rays of the sun, and soon those tuffts shone a golden yellow, so bright and true that other weeds took notice, and they wanted to be as dandy as this weed was. and thus, the dandelion was made, and always the first to give thanks to the sun for its gift of warmth and light.

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